Serving static pages since © 2020
I'm Nat, also known as Nathaan or NathaanTFM online. I'm a computer science enthusiast and a self-taught developer. I am 21 years old and I've been interested in CS since 2010.
I am not a web developer - as you can probably see. I mostly code in Python, C, and I'm currently learning C++. I also know enough Java, Lua, MySQL-MariaDB, SQLite, and some other less popular languages.
I'm mostly interested in reverse-engineering and algorithm stuff. By the way, you can find my Github profile here.
Please don't show this page to my web teacher.
Decided to create my own cartridge compatible with the popular NDS console, for some reason. I might write a bit more about this later because it took quite some time and some people might be interested. In the meantime, enjoy this github repo for a NDS card powered by a STM32G431CB micro-controller.
A work-in-progress decomp of the Wi-Fi driver for the popular NDS console. The goal is to create an alternative driver that can be used in homebrews. This one probably can't.
I've looked a bit into the french Minitel which was a thing before I was even born. I've written a server over VoIP using SpanDSP and PJSIP and I am currently looking into TVR (Teletel Vitesse Rapide).
I'm hosting a decomp of the ActionScript3 implementation of the Perlin noise algorithm (from Flash Player) on my GitHub.
I'm hosting here a kind of web interface to access Minecraft libraries and files. No files are hosted on this server. It's ugly, but it works and that's all I needed.
If you want to contact me for any reason, feel free to do so! I'm available on Discord - my username is the same as my GitHub username.
If you're not into giving your private details to a chinese company, you can email me [email protected] - this will send your details to an american company, which is much better, isn't it?
French phone number coming soon!